Source code for xinspect.dynamic_kwargs

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import six
import inspect
import re
import types
import ubelt as ub
import textwrap
from xinspect.static_kwargs import parse_kwarg_keys


[docs] def get_func_kwargs(func, max_depth=None): """ Dynamically parse the kwargs accepted by this function. This function uses Python signatures where possible, but it also uses heuristics by inspecting the way any `keywords` dictionary is used. Args: func (callable): function to introspect kwargs from max_depth (int, default=None): by default we recursively parse any kwargs passed to subfunctions. """ argspec = get_func_argspec(func) if argspec.defaults is None: header_kw = {} else: header_kw = dict(zip(argspec.args[::-1], argspec.defaults[::-1])) if argspec.keywords is not None: header_kw.update(dict(recursive_parse_kwargs(func, max_depth=max_depth))) return header_kw
def bref_field(key): """ regex backreference """ return r'\g<%s>' % (key) def named_field(key, regex, vim=False): """ Creates a named regex group that can be referend via a backref. If key is None the backref is referenced by number. References: """ if key is None: #return regex return r'(%s)' % (regex,) if vim: return r'\(%s\)' % (regex) else: return r'(?P<%s>%s)' % (key, regex) def is_func_or_method(var): return isinstance(var, (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType)) def get_funcglobals(func): if six.PY2: return getattr(func, 'func_globals') else: return getattr(func, '__globals__') def parse_func_kwarg_keys(func, with_vals=False): """ hacky inference of kwargs keys SeeAlso: argparse_funckw recursive_parse_kwargs parse_kwarg_keys parse_func_kwarg_keys get_func_kwargs """ sourcecode = get_func_sourcecode(func, strip_docstr=True, strip_comments=True) kwkeys = parse_kwarg_keys(sourcecode, with_vals=with_vals) #get_func_kwargs TODO return kwkeys def get_kwdefaults(func, parse_source=False): r""" Args: func (func): Returns: dict: # CommandLine: # python -m utool.util_inspect get_kwdefaults # Example: # >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST # >>> from utool.util_inspect import * # NOQA # >>> func = dummy_func # >>> parse_source = True # >>> kwdefaults = get_kwdefaults(func, parse_source) # >>> print('kwdefaults = %s' % (ub.repr2(kwdefaults),)) """ argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) kwdefaults = {} if argspec.args is None or argspec.defaults is None: pass else: args = argspec.args defaults = argspec.defaults #kwdefaults = OrderedDict(zip(argspec.args[::-1], argspec.defaults[::-1])) kwpos = len(args) - len(defaults) kwdefaults = ub.odict(zip(args[kwpos:], defaults)) if parse_source and argspec.keywords: # TODO parse for kwargs.get/pop keyword_defaults = parse_func_kwarg_keys(func, with_vals=True) for key, val in keyword_defaults: assert key not in kwdefaults, 'parsing error' kwdefaults[key] = val return kwdefaults def lookup_attribute_chain(attrname, namespace): """ >>> attrname = funcname >>> namespace = mod.__dict__ >>> attrname = 'KWReg.print_defaultkw' """ #subdict = meta_util_six.get_funcglobals(root_func) subtup = attrname.split('.') subdict = namespace for attr in subtup[:-1]: subdict = subdict[attr].__dict__ leaf_name = subtup[-1] leaf_attr = subdict[leaf_name] return leaf_attr def recursive_parse_kwargs(root_func, path_=None, verbose=None, max_depth=None): """ recursive kwargs parser Args: root_func (function): live python function path_ (PathLike, default=None): max_depth (int, default=None): if specified only recurse to this depth. Returns: list: TODO: - [ ] rectify with others - [ ] if docstr indentation is off, this fails Example: >>> modname = ub.argval('--mod', default='ubelt') >>> funcname = ub.argval('--func', default='cmd') >>> mod = ub.import_module_from_name(modname) >>> root_func = lookup_attribute_chain(funcname, mod.__dict__) >>> path_ = None >>> parsed = recursive_parse_kwargs(root_func) >>> flags = ub.unique_flags([p[0] for p in parsed]) >>> unique = list(ub.compress(parsed, flags)) >>> print('parsed = %s' % (ub.repr2(parsed),)) >>> print('unique = %s' % (ub.repr2(unique),)) """ if max_depth is None: max_depth = float('inf') if verbose is None: verbose = False if verbose: print('[inspect] recursive parse kwargs root_func = %r ' % (root_func,)) if path_ is None: path_ = [] if root_func in path_: if verbose: print('[inspect] Encountered cycle. returning') return [] path_.append(root_func) spec = get_func_argspec(root_func) # ADD MORE kwargs_list = [] found_explicit = list(get_kwdefaults(root_func, parse_source=False).items()) if verbose: print('[inspect] * Found explicit %r' % (found_explicit,)) sourcecode = get_func_sourcecode(root_func, strip_docstr=True, strip_def=True, strip_decor=True) sourcecode1 = get_func_sourcecode(root_func, strip_docstr=True, strip_def=False, strip_decor=True) found_implicit = parse_kwarg_keys(sourcecode1, spec.keywords, with_vals=True) if verbose: print('[inspect] * Found found_implicit %r' % (found_implicit,)) kwargs_list = found_explicit + found_implicit def hack_lookup_mod_attrs(attr): # HACKS TODO: have find_funcs_called_with_kwargs infer an attribute is a # module / function / type. In the module case, we can import it and # look it up. Maybe args, or returns can help infer type. Maybe just # register some known varnames. Maybe jedi has some better way to do # this. # if attr == 'ut': # subdict = ut.__dict__ # elif attr == 'pt': # import plottool as pt # subdict = pt.__dict__ # else: subdict = None return subdict def resolve_attr_subfunc(subfunc_name): # look up attriute chain #subdict = root_func.func_globals subdict = get_funcglobals(root_func) subtup = subfunc_name.split('.') try: subdict = lookup_attribute_chain(subfunc_name, subdict) if is_func_or_method(subdict): # Was subdict supposed to be named something else here? subfunc = subdict return subfunc except (KeyError, TypeError): for attr in subtup[:-1]: try: subdict = subdict[attr].__dict__ except (KeyError, TypeError): # limited support for class lookup if isinstance(root_func, (types.MethodType,)) and spec.args[0] == attr: subdict = root_func.im_class.__dict__ else: # FIXME TODO lookup_attribute_chain subdict = hack_lookup_mod_attrs(attr) if subdict is None: print('Unable to find attribute of attr=%r' % (attr,)) if subdict is not None: attr_name = subtup[-1] subfunc = subdict[attr_name] else: subfunc = None return subfunc def check_subfunc_name(subfunc_name): if isinstance(subfunc_name, tuple) or '.' in subfunc_name: subfunc = resolve_attr_subfunc(subfunc_name) else: # try to directly take func from globals func_globals = root_func.__globals__ try: subfunc = func_globals[subfunc_name] except KeyError: print('Unable to find function definition subfunc_name=%r' % (subfunc_name,)) subfunc = None if subfunc is not None and max_depth > 0: subkw_list = recursive_parse_kwargs(subfunc, path_, verbose=verbose, max_depth=max_depth - 1) new_subkw = subkw_list else: new_subkw = [] return new_subkw if spec.keywords is not None: if verbose: print('[inspect] Checking spec.keywords=%r' % (spec.keywords,)) subfunc_name_list = find_funcs_called_with_kwargs(sourcecode, spec.keywords) if verbose: print('[inspect] Checking subfunc_name_list=%r' % (subfunc_name_list,)) for subfunc_name in subfunc_name_list: try: new_subkw = check_subfunc_name(subfunc_name) if verbose: print('[inspect] * Found %r' % (new_subkw,)) kwargs_list.extend(new_subkw) except TypeError: print('warning: unable to recursivley parse type of : %r' % (subfunc_name,)) return kwargs_list def find_funcs_called_with_kwargs(sourcecode, target_kwargs_name='kwargs'): r""" Finds functions that are called with the keyword `kwargs` variable Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> sourcecode = ub.codeblock( ''' x, y = list(zip(*ub.ichunks(data, 2))) somecall(arg1, arg2, arg3=4, **kwargs) import sys sys.badcall(**kwargs) def foo(): bar(**kwargs) ub.holymoly(**kwargs) baz() def biz(**kwargs): foo2(**kwargs) ''') >>> child_funcnamess = find_funcs_called_with_kwargs(sourcecode) >>> print('child_funcnamess = %r' % (child_funcnamess,)) >>> assert 'foo2' not in child_funcnamess, 'foo2 should not be found' >>> assert 'bar' in child_funcnamess, 'bar should be found' """ import ast sourcecode = 'from __future__ import print_function\n' + sourcecode pt = ast.parse(sourcecode) child_funcnamess = [] debug = False if debug: print('\nInput:') print('target_kwargs_name = %r' % (target_kwargs_name,)) print('\nSource:') print(sourcecode) import astor print('\nParse:') print(astor.dump(pt)) class KwargParseVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): """ TODO: understand dict update ie, know when kwargs is passed to these functions and then look assume the object that was updated is a dictionary and check wherever that is passed to kwargs as well. """ def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if debug: print('\nVISIT FunctionDef node = %r' % (node,)) print('node.args.kwarg = %r' % (node.args.kwarg,)) if six.PY2: kwarg_name = node.args.kwarg else: if node.args.kwarg is None: kwarg_name = None else: kwarg_name = node.args.kwarg.arg if kwarg_name != target_kwargs_name: # target kwargs is still in scope ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) def visit_Call(self, node): if debug: print('\nVISIT Call node = %r' % (node,)) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute): try: funcname = + '.' + node.func.attr except AttributeError: funcname = None elif isinstance(node.func, ast.Name): funcname = else: raise NotImplementedError( 'do not know how to parse: node.func = %r' % (node.func,)) if six.PY2: kwargs = node.kwargs kwargs_name = None if kwargs is None else if funcname is not None and kwargs_name == target_kwargs_name: child_funcnamess.append(funcname) if debug: print('funcname = %r' % (funcname,)) print('kwargs_name = %r' % (kwargs_name,)) else: if node.keywords: for kwargs in node.keywords: if kwargs.arg is None: if hasattr(kwargs.value, 'id'): kwargs_name = if funcname is not None and kwargs_name == target_kwargs_name: child_funcnamess.append(funcname) if debug: print('funcname = %r' % (funcname,)) print('kwargs_name = %r' % (kwargs_name,)) ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) try: KwargParseVisitor().visit(pt) except Exception: raise return child_funcnamess #print('child_funcnamess = %r' % (child_funcnamess,)) def get_func_argspec(func): """ wrapper around inspect.getargspec but takes into account utool decorators """ if hasattr(func, '_utinfo'): argspec = func._utinfo['orig_argspec'] return argspec if isinstance(func, property): func = func.fget argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) return argspec def get_func_sourcecode(func, strip_def=False, strip_ret=False, strip_docstr=False, strip_comments=False, remove_linenums=None, strip_decor=False): """ wrapper around inspect.getsource but takes into account utool decorators strip flags are very hacky as of now Args: func (function): strip_def (bool): strip_ret (bool): (default = False) strip_docstr (bool): (default = False) strip_comments (bool): (default = False) remove_linenums (None): (default = None) Example: >>> # build test data >>> func = get_func_sourcecode >>> strip_def = True >>> strip_ret = True >>> sourcecode = get_func_sourcecode(func, strip_def) >>> print('sourcecode = {}'.format(sourcecode)) """ inspect.linecache.clearcache() # HACK: fix inspect bug sourcefile = inspect.getsourcefile(func) if hasattr(func, '_utinfo'): # DEPRICATE func2 = func._utinfo['orig_func'] sourcecode = get_func_sourcecode(func2) elif sourcefile is not None and (sourcefile != '<string>'): try_limit = 2 for num_tries in range(try_limit): try: #print(func) sourcecode = inspect.getsource(func) if not isinstance(sourcecode, six.text_type): sourcecode = sourcecode.decode('utf-8') #print(sourcecode) except (IndexError, OSError, SyntaxError) as ex: print('WARNING: Error getting source') inspect.linecache.clearcache() if num_tries + 1 != try_limit: tries_left = try_limit - num_tries - 1 print('Attempting %d more time(s)' % (tries_left)) else: raise else: sourcecode = None if strip_def: # hacky # TODO: use redbaron or something like that for a more robust appraoch sourcecode = textwrap.dedent(sourcecode) regex_decor = '^@.' + REGEX_NONGREEDY regex_defline = '^def [^:]*\\):\n' patern = '(' + regex_decor + ')?' + regex_defline RE_FLAGS = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL RE_KWARGS = {'flags': RE_FLAGS} nodef_source = re.sub(patern, '', sourcecode, **RE_KWARGS) sourcecode = textwrap.dedent(nodef_source) #print(sourcecode) pass if strip_ret: r""" \s is a whitespace char """ return_ = named_field('return', 'return .*$') prereturn = named_field('prereturn', r'^\s*') return_bref = bref_field('return') prereturn_bref = bref_field('prereturn') regex = prereturn + return_ repl = prereturn_bref + 'pass # ' + return_bref sourcecode_ = re.sub(regex, repl, sourcecode, flags=re.MULTILINE) sourcecode = sourcecode_ pass if strip_docstr or strip_comments: # pip install pyminifier # References: #from pyminifier import minification, token_utils def remove_docstrings_or_comments(source): """ TODO: commit clean version to pyminifier """ import tokenize from six.moves import StringIO io_obj = StringIO(source) out = '' prev_toktype = tokenize.INDENT last_lineno = -1 last_col = 0 for tok in tokenize.generate_tokens(io_obj.readline): token_type = tok[0] token_string = tok[1] start_line, start_col = tok[2] end_line, end_col = tok[3] if start_line > last_lineno: last_col = 0 if start_col > last_col: out += (' ' * (start_col - last_col)) # Remove comments: if strip_comments and token_type == tokenize.COMMENT: pass elif strip_docstr and token_type == tokenize.STRING: if prev_toktype != tokenize.INDENT: # This is likely a docstring; double-check we're not inside an operator: if prev_toktype != tokenize.NEWLINE: if start_col > 0: out += token_string else: out += token_string prev_toktype = token_type last_col = end_col last_lineno = end_line return out sourcecode = remove_docstrings_or_comments(sourcecode) #sourcecode = minification.remove_comments_and_docstrings(sourcecode) #tokens = token_utils.listified_tokenizer(sourcecode) #minification.remove_comments(tokens) #minification.remove_docstrings(tokens) #token_utils.untokenize(tokens) if strip_decor: try: import redbaron red = redbaron.RedBaron(ub.codeblock(sourcecode)) except Exception: hack_text = ub.ensure_unicode(ub.codeblock(sourcecode)).encode('ascii', 'replace') red = redbaron.RedBaron(hack_text) pass if len(red) == 1: redfunc = red[0] if redfunc.type == 'def': # Remove decorators del redfunc.decorators[:] sourcecode = redfunc.dumps() if remove_linenums is not None: source_lines = sourcecode.strip('\n').split('\n') delete_items_by_index(source_lines, remove_linenums) sourcecode = '\n'.join(source_lines) return sourcecode def delete_items_by_index(list_, index_list, copy=False): """ Remove items from ``list_`` at positions specified in ``index_list`` The original ``list_`` is preserved if ``copy`` is True Args: list_ (list): index_list (list): copy (bool): preserves original list if True Example: >>> list_ = [8, 1, 8, 1, 6, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6] >>> index_list = [2, -1] >>> delete_items_by_index(list_, index_list) [8, 1, 1, 6, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5] """ if copy: list_ = list_[:] # Rectify negative indicies index_list_ = [(len(list_) + x if x < 0 else x) for x in index_list] # Remove largest indicies first index_list_ = sorted(index_list_, reverse=True) for index in index_list_: del list_[index] return list_