Source code for xdev.util

[docs] def bubbletext(text, font='cybermedium'): """ Uses pyfiglet to create bubble text. Args: font (str): default=cybermedium, other fonts include: cybersmall and cyberlarge. References: Example: >>> bubble_text = bubbletext('TESTING BUBBLE TEXT', font='cybermedium') >>> print(bubble_text) """ try: import pyfiglet except ImportError: print('Missing pyfiglet') return text else: bubble_text = pyfiglet.figlet_format(text, font=font) return bubble_text
[docs] def conj_phrase(list_, cond='or'): """ Joins a list of words using English conjunction rules Args: list_ (list): of strings cond (str): a conjunction (or, and, but) Returns: str: the joined cconjunction phrase References: Example: >>> list_ = ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> result = conj_phrase(list_, 'or') >>> print(result) a, b, or c Example1: >>> list_ = ['a', 'b'] >>> result = conj_phrase(list_, 'and') >>> print(result) a and b """ if len(list_) == 0: return '' elif len(list_) == 1: return list_[0] elif len(list_) == 2: return ' '.join((list_[0], cond, list_[1])) else: condstr = ''.join((', ' + cond, ' ')) return ', '.join((', '.join(list_[:-2]), condstr.join(list_[-2:])))
[docs] def take_column(list_, colx): """ iterator version of take_column """ if isinstance(colx, list): # multi select return [[row[colx_] for colx_ in colx] for row in list_] else: return [row[colx] for row in list_]