Source code for xdev.interactive_iter

A simple way to interactively control the iteratin of a loop. Useful for
viewing multiple things sequentially.
import ubelt as ub
import numpy as np
from . import embeding
from . import util

__all__ = ['InteractiveIter']

INDEXABLE_TYPES = (list, tuple, np.ndarray)

[docs] class InteractiveIter(object): """ Choose next value interactively iterable should be a list, not a generator. sorry CommandLine: xdoctest -m xdev.interactive_iter InteractiveIter:0 --interact xdoctest -m xdev.interactive_iter InteractiveIter:1 --interact Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--interact) >>> from xdev.interactive_iter import * # NOQA >>> iterable = [1, 2, 3] >>> enabled = True >>> startx = 0 >>> default_action = 'next' >>> custom_actions = [] >>> wraparound = False >>> display_item = True >>> verbose = True >>> iiter = InteractiveIter(iterable, enabled, startx, default_action, custom_actions, wraparound, display_item, verbose) >>> for _ in iiter: >>> pass Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--interact) >>> # Interactive matplotlib stuff >>> from xdev.interactive_iter import * # NOQA >>> import kwimage >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt(verbose=3, force='Qt5Agg') >>> plt.ion() >>> keys = list(kwimage.grab_test_image.keys()) >>> iterable = [kwimage.grab_test_image(key) for key in keys] >>> iiter = InteractiveIter(iterable) >>> for img in iiter: >>> kwplot.imshow(img) >>> InteractiveIter.draw() """ def __init__(iiter, iterable=None, enabled=True, startx=0, default_action='next', custom_actions=[], wraparound=False, display_item=False, verbose=True): r""" Args: iterable (None): (default = None) enabled (bool): (default = True) startx (int): (default = 0) default_action (str): (default = 'next') custom_actions (list): list of 4-tuple (name, actions, help, func) (default = []) wraparound (bool): (default = False) display_item (bool): (default = True) verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) """ iiter.wraparound = wraparound iiter.enabled = enabled iiter.iterable = iterable for actiontup in custom_actions: if isinstance(custom_actions, tuple): pass else: pass iiter.custom_actions = util.take_column(custom_actions, [0, 1, 2]) iiter.custom_funcs = util.take_column(custom_actions, 3) iiter.action_tuples = [ # (name, list, help) ('next', ['n'], 'move to the next index'), ('prev', ['p'], 'move to the previous index'), ('reload', ['r'], 'stay at the same index'), ('index', ['x', 'i', 'index'], 'move to that index'), ('set', ['set'], 'set current index value'), ('ipy', ['ipy', 'ipython', 'cmd'], 'start IPython'), ('quit', ['q', 'exit', 'quit'], 'quit'), ] + iiter.custom_actions default_action_index = util.take_column(iiter.action_tuples, 0).index(default_action) iiter.action_tuples[default_action_index][1].append('') iiter.action_keys = {tup[0]: tup[1] for tup in iiter.action_tuples} iiter.index = startx iiter.display_item = display_item iiter.verbose = verbose
[docs] @classmethod def eventloop(cls, custom_actions=[]): """ For use outside of iteration wrapping. Makes an interactive event loop custom_actions should be specified in format [dispname, keys, desc, func] """ iiter = cls([None], custom_actions=custom_actions, verbose=False) print('[IITER] Begining interactive main loop') for _ in iiter: pass return iiter
def __iter__(iiter): global LIVE_INTERACTIVE_ITER LIVE_INTERACTIVE_ITER = iiter if not iiter.enabled: for item in ub.ProgIter(iiter.iterable, desc='nointeract: ', freq=1, adjust=False): yield item return # raise StopIteration() assert isinstance(iiter.iterable, INDEXABLE_TYPES), 'input is not iterable' iiter.num_items = len(iiter.iterable) if iiter.verbose: print('[IITER] Begin interactive iteration: %r items\n' % (iiter.num_items)) if iiter.num_items == 0: return # raise StopIteration # TODO: replace with ub.ProgIter # mark_, end_ = util_progress.log_progress(length=iiter.num_items, # lbl='interaction: ', freq=1) prog = ub.ProgIter(total=iiter.num_items, desc='interaction: ', freq=1, show_times=True, verbose=2) prog.begin() prompt_on_start = False if prompt_on_start: ans = iiter.prompt() action = iiter.handle_ans(ans) REFRESH_ON_BAD_INPUT = False if not REFRESH_ON_BAD_INPUT: while action is False: ans = iiter.prompt() action = iiter.handle_ans(ans) if action == 'IPython': embeding.embed(n=1) while True: if iiter.verbose: print('') if iiter.wraparound: iiter.index = iiter.index % len(iiter.iterable) if iiter.index >= len(iiter.iterable): if iiter.verbose: print('Got to end the end of the iterable') break # Hack to jump to a particular index # (TODO: update ProgIter to handle this) # offset = iiter.index - prog._iter_idx # prog._reset_internals() # prog.step(iiter.index + 1) item = iiter.iterable[iiter.index] if iiter.verbose: print('') yield item if iiter.verbose: print('') # prog._reset_internals() # offset = iiter.index - prog._iter_idx # prog.step(offset) prog._reset_internals() if iiter.index > 0: prog.step(iiter.index) else: prog.display_message() if iiter.verbose: print('') print('[IITER] current index=%r' % (iiter.index,)) if iiter.display_item: print('[IITER] current item=%r' % (item,)) ans = iiter.prompt() try: action = iiter.handle_ans(ans) except StopIteration: return REFRESH_ON_BAD_INPUT = False if not REFRESH_ON_BAD_INPUT: while action is False: ans = iiter.prompt() try: action = iiter.handle_ans(ans) except StopIteration: return if action == 'IPython': embeding.embed(n=1) prog.end() print('Ended interactive iteration') LIVE_INTERACTIVE_ITER = None
[docs] def handle_ans(iiter, ans_): """ preforms an actionm based on a user answer """ ans = ans_.strip(' ') def parse_str_value(ans): return ' '.join(ans.split(' ')[1:]) def chack_if_answer_was(valid_keys): return any([ans == key or ans.startswith(key + ' ') for key in valid_keys]) # Handle standard actions if ans in iiter.action_keys['quit']: raise StopIteration() elif ans in iiter.action_keys['prev']: iiter.index -= 1 elif ans in iiter.action_keys['next']: iiter.index += 1 elif ans in iiter.action_keys['reload']: iiter.index += 0 elif chack_if_answer_was(iiter.action_keys['index']): try: iiter.index = int(parse_str_value(ans)) except ValueError: print('Unknown ans=%r' % (ans,)) elif chack_if_answer_was(iiter.action_keys['set']): try: iiter.iterable[iiter.index] = eval(parse_str_value(ans)) except ValueError: print('Unknown ans=%r' % (ans,)) elif ans in iiter.action_keys['ipy']: return 'IPython' else: # Custom interactions for func, tup in zip(iiter.custom_funcs, iiter.custom_actions): key = tup[0] if chack_if_answer_was(iiter.action_keys[key]): value = parse_str_value(ans) # cal custom function print('Calling custom action func') import inspect argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) if len(argspec.args) == 3: # Forgot why I had custom functions take args in the first place func(iiter, key, value) else: func() # Custom funcs dont cause iteration return False print('Unknown ans=%r' % (ans,)) return False return True
[docs] def prompt(iiter): def _or_phrase(list_): return util.conj_phrase(list(map(repr, map(str, list_))), 'or') msg_list = ['enter %s to %s' % (_or_phrase(tup[1]), tup[2]) for tup in iiter.action_tuples] msg = ub.indent('\n'.join(msg_list), ' | * ') msg = ''.join([' +-----------', msg, '\n L-----------\n']) # TODO: timeout, help message print(msg) ans = iiter.wait_for_input() return ans
[docs] def wait_for_input(iiter): ans = input().strip() return ans
def __call__(iiter, iterable=None): iiter.iterable = iterable
[docs] @classmethod def draw(iiter): """ in the common case where InteractiveIter is used to view matplotlib figures, you will have to draw the figure manually. This is a helper for that task. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.gcf() fig.canvas.draw()