Source code for xdev.directory_walker

import os
import rich
import ubelt as ub
import networkx as nx
from xdev.patterns import MultiPattern
from progiter.manager import ProgressManager

[docs] class DirectoryWalker: """ Configurable directory walker that can explore a directory and report information about its contents in a concise manner. Options will impact how long this process takes based on how much data / metadata we need to parse out of the filesystem. Ignore: >>> from xdev.directory_walker import * # NOQA >>> self = DirectoryWalker('.', exclude_dnames=['.*']) >>> self._walk() >>> self._update_labels() >>> self.write_network_text() """ def __init__(self, dpath, exclude_dnames=None, exclude_fnames=None, include_dnames=None, include_fnames=None, max_walk_depth=None, max_files=None, parse_content=False, show_progress=True, ignore_empty_dirs=False, **kwargs): """ Args: dpath (str | PathLike): the path to walk exclude_dnames (Coercable[MultiPattern]): blocks directory names matching this pattern exclude_fnames (Coercable[MultiPattern]): blocks file names matching this pattern include_dnames (Coercable[MultiPattern]): if specified, excludes directories that do NOT match this pattern. include_fnames (Coercable[MultiPattern]): if specified, excludes files that do NOT match this pattern. max_files (None | int): ignore all files in directories with more than this number. max_walk_depth (None | int): how far to recurse parse_content (bool): if True, include content analysis **kwargs : passed to label options """ if 'block_fnames' in kwargs: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'xdev', 'DirectoryWalker block_fnames', 'arg', migration='Use exclude_fnames instead' ) if exclude_fnames is None: raise ValueError('mutex with block_fnames') exclude_fnames = kwargs.pop('block_fnames') if 'block_dnames' in kwargs: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'xdev', 'DirectoryWalker block_dnames', 'arg', migration='Use exclude_dnames instead' ) if exclude_dnames is None: raise ValueError('mutex with block_dnames') exclude_dnames = kwargs.pop('block_dnames') self.dpath = ub.Path(dpath).absolute() self.exclude_fnames = _null_coerce(MultiPattern, exclude_fnames) self.exclude_dnames = _null_coerce(MultiPattern, exclude_dnames) self.include_fnames = _null_coerce(MultiPattern, include_fnames) self.include_dnames = _null_coerce(MultiPattern, include_dnames) self.max_walk_depth = max_walk_depth self.parse_content = parse_content self.max_files = max_files self.show_progress = show_progress self.ignore_empty_dirs = ignore_empty_dirs kwargs = ub.udict(kwargs) self.label_options = { 'abs_root_label': True, 'pathstyle': 'name', 'show_nfiles': 'auto', 'show_types': False, 'colors': True, } self.label_options.update(kwargs & self.label_options) kwargs -= self.label_options if kwargs: raise ValueError(f'Unhandled kwargs {kwargs}') self.graph = None self._topo_order = None self._type_to_path = {}
[docs] def write_network_text(self, **kwargs): nx.write_network_text(self.graph, rich.print, end='', **kwargs)
[docs] def write_report(self, **nxtxt_kwargs): import pandas as pd try: self.write_network_text(**nxtxt_kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: ... if len(self._topo_order): root_node = self._topo_order[0] else: root_node = None def _node_table(node): node_data = self.graph.nodes[node] stats = node_data.get('stats', {}) stat_rows = [] for k, v in stats.items(): ext, kind = k.split('.') if not ext: # ext = '∅' # ext = '𝙣𝙪𝙡𝙡' ext = '*null*' stat_rows.append({'ext': ext, 'kind': kind, 'value': v}) table = pd.DataFrame(stat_rows) if len(table) > 0: piv = table.pivot(index='ext', columns='kind', values='value') piv = piv.sort_values('size') else: piv = pd.DataFrame([], index=pd.Index([], name='ext'), columns=pd.Index(['size', 'files'], name='kind')) totals = piv.sum(axis=0) disp_totals = totals.copy() disp_totals['size'] = byte_str(totals['size']) disp_piv = piv.copy() disp_piv['size'] = piv['size'].apply(byte_str) disp_piv = disp_piv.fillna('--') disp_piv.loc['∑ total'] = disp_totals disp_piv['files'] = disp_piv['files'].astype(int) return disp_piv if root_node: child_rows = [] for node in self.graph.succ[root_node]: disp_piv = _node_table(node) row = disp_piv.iloc[-1].to_dict() row['name'] = self.graph.nodes[node]['name'] child_rows.append(row) if child_rows: print('') df = pd.DataFrame(child_rows) if 'total_lines' in df.columns: df = df.sort_values('total_lines') rich.print(df) # if self.graph.nodes[node]['type'] == 'dir': # print(f'node={node}') disp_piv = _node_table(root_node) print('') rich.print(disp_piv[:-1]) rich.print(disp_piv[-1:]) print('root_node = {}'.format(ub.urepr(root_node, nl=1)))
# disp_stats = self._humanize_stats(stats, 'dir', reduce_prefix=True) # rich.print('stats = {}'.format(ub.urepr(disp_stats, nl=1)))
[docs] def build(self): self._walk() self._update_stats() self._update_labels() self._sort() return self
[docs] def _inplace_filter_dnames(self, dnames): if self.include_dnames is not None: dnames[:] = [d for d in dnames if self.include_dnames.match(d)] if self.exclude_dnames is not None: dnames[:] = [d for d in dnames if not self.exclude_dnames.match(d)]
[docs] def _inplace_filter_fnames(self, fnames): if self.include_fnames is not None: fnames[:] = [f for f in fnames if self.include_fnames.match(f)] if self.exclude_fnames is not None: fnames[:] = [f for f in fnames if not self.exclude_fnames.match(f)]
[docs] def _walk(self): dpath = self.dpath g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_node(self.dpath,, type='dir', is_root=True) max_files = self.max_files pman = ProgressManager(enabled=self.show_progress) with pman: prog = pman.progiter(desc='Walking directory') if self.max_walk_depth is not None: start_depth = str(self.dpath).count(os.path.sep) for root, dnames, fnames in self.dpath.walk(): prog.step() root_attrs = {} root_attrs['unfiltered_num_dirs'] = len(dnames) root_attrs['unfiltered_num_files'] = len(fnames) if self.max_walk_depth is not None: curr_depth = str(root).count(os.path.sep) rel_depth = (curr_depth - start_depth) if rel_depth >= self.max_walk_depth: del dnames[:] # Remove directories / files that match the blocklist or dont # match the include list self._inplace_filter_dnames(dnames) self._inplace_filter_fnames(fnames) root_attrs['num_dirs'] = len(dnames) root_attrs['num_files'] = num_files = len(fnames) too_many_files = max_files is not None and num_files >= max_files if too_many_files: root_attrs['too_many_files'] = too_many_files g.add_node( root, type='dir',,, **root_attrs, ) # if root != dpath: # g.add_edge(root.parent, root) if not too_many_files: for f in fnames: fpath = root / f g.add_node(fpath,,, type='file') g.add_edge(root, fpath) for d in dnames: dpath = root / d g.add_node(dpath,,, type='dir') g.add_edge(root, dpath) self._topo_order = list(nx.topological_sort(g)) self.graph = g if self.ignore_empty_dirs: for node in self._topo_order[::-1]: node_data = g.nodes[node] if node_data['type'] == 'file': node_data['stats'] = {'file': 1} self._accum_stats() to_remove = [] for node in self._topo_order[::-1]: node_data = g.nodes[node] if node_data['stats'].get('file', 0) == 0: to_remove.append(node) g.remove_nodes_from(to_remove) self._topo_order = list(nx.topological_sort(g)) self.graph = g self._type_to_path = {} for p, d in self.graph.nodes(data=True): t = d['type'] if t not in self._type_to_path: self._type_to_path[t] = [] self._type_to_path[t].append(p)
@property def file_paths(self): return self._type_to_path.get('file', []) @property def dir_paths(self): return self._type_to_path.get('dir', [])
[docs] def _accum_stats(self): g = self.graph # Accumulate size stats ### Iterate from leaf-to-root, and accumulate info in directories for node in self._topo_order[::-1]: children = g.succ[node] node_data = g.nodes[node] if node_data['type'] == 'dir': node_data['stats'] = accum_stats = {} for child in children: child_data = g.nodes[child] child_stats = child_data.get('stats', {}) for key, stat_value in child_stats.items(): if key not in accum_stats: accum_stats[key] = 0 accum_stats[key] += stat_value
[docs] def _update_stats(self): g = self.graph # Get size stats for each file. pman = ProgressManager() with pman: prog = pman.progiter(desc='Parse File Info', total=len(g)) for fpath, node_data in g.nodes(data=True): if node_data['type'] == 'file': stats = parse_file_stats(fpath, parse_content=self.parse_content) node_data['stats'] = stats prog.step() self._accum_stats()
[docs] def _update_stats2(self): # Variant that uses parallel process boilerplate def worker(fpath): stats = parse_file_stats(fpath, parse_content=self.parse_content) return stats self._parallel_process_files(worker, 'Parse File Info') self._accum_stats()
[docs] def _parallel_process_files(self, func, desc=None, max_workers=8, mode='thread'): """ Applies a function to every node. """ graph = self.graph if desc is None: desc = str(func) # Get size stats for each file. jobs = ub.JobPool(mode=mode, max_workers=max_workers) pman = ProgressManager(backend='progiter') submit_desc = 'Submit: ' + desc collect_desc = 'Collect: ' + desc with pman, jobs: # Get the files from the graph first. fpaths = [ path for path, data in graph.nodes(data=True) if data['isfile'] ] prog = ub.ProgIter(fpaths, desc=submit_desc, total=len(fpaths), homogeneous=False) for fpath in prog: job = jobs.submit(func, fpath) job.fpath = fpath for job in ub.ProgIter(jobs.as_completed(), desc=collect_desc, total=len(jobs)): fpath = job.fpath result = job.result() yield fpath, result
[docs] def _humanize_stats(self, stats, node_type, reduce_prefix=False): disp_stats = {} if reduce_prefix: suffixes = [k.split('.', 1)[1] for k in stats.keys()] _stats = ub.udict(ub.group_items(stats.values(), suffixes)).map_values(sum) # _stats.update({k: v for k, v in stats.items() if k.endswith('.files')}) else: _stats = stats if node_type == 'dir': for k, v in _stats.items(): if k.endswith('.size') or k == 'size': disp_stats[k] = byte_str(v) else: disp_stats[k] = v elif node_type == 'file': disp_stats = {k.split('.', 1)[1]: v for k, v in _stats.items()} disp_stats.pop('files', None) disp_stats['size'] = byte_str(disp_stats['size']) else: raise KeyError(node_type) return disp_stats
[docs] def _find_duplicate_files(self): hasher = 'blake3' for path, node_data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): if node_data['isfile']: node_data[hasher] = ub.hash_file(path, hasher=hasher) hash_to_paths = ub.ddict(list) for path, node_data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): if node_data['isfile']: hash = node_data[hasher] hash_to_paths[hash].append(path) hash_to_paths = ub.udict(hash_to_paths) dups = [] for k, v in hash_to_paths.items(): if len(v) > 1: dups.append(k) dup_hash_to_paths = hash_to_paths & dups print('dup_hash_to_paths = {}'.format(ub.urepr(dup_hash_to_paths, nl=2)))
[docs] def _update_path_metadata(self): g = self.graph for path in self._topo_order: node_data = g.nodes[path] islink = os.path.islink(path) isfile = os.path.isfile(path) isdir = os.path.isdir(path) if islink: target = os.readlink(path) isbroken = not isdir and not isfile node_data['broken'] = isbroken node_data['target'] = target if isfile: node_data['X_ok'] = os.access(path, os.X_OK) types = [] if islink: types.append('L') if isbroken: types.append('B') if isfile: types.append('F') if isdir: types.append('D') typelabel = ''.join(types) node_data['islink'] = islink node_data['isfile'] = isfile node_data['isdir'] = isdir node_data['typelabel'] = typelabel
[docs] def _update_labels(self): """ Update how each node will be displayed """ from os.path import relpath label_options = self.label_options pathstyle = label_options['pathstyle'] show_nfiles = label_options['show_nfiles'] show_types = label_options['show_types'] abs_root_label = label_options['abs_root_label'] colors = label_options['colors'] def pathrep_name(p, node_data): return node_data['name'] def pathrep_rel(p, node_data): return relpath(p, self.dpath) def pathrep_abs(p, node_data): return os.fspath(p) if pathstyle == 'name': pathrep_func = pathrep_name elif pathstyle == 'rel': pathrep_func = pathrep_rel elif pathstyle == 'abs': pathrep_func = pathrep_abs else: raise KeyError(pathstyle) self._update_path_metadata() for path, node_data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): stats = node_data.get('stats', None) node_type = node_data.get('type', None) if abs_root_label and node_data.get('is_root', False): pathrep = pathrep_abs(path, node_data) else: pathrep = pathrep_func(path, node_data) if stats: disp_stats = self._humanize_stats(stats, node_type) stats_text = ub.urepr(disp_stats, nl=0, compact=1) suffix = ': ' + stats_text else: suffix = '' prefix_parts = [] if show_types: prefix_parts.append(f'({node_data["typelabel"]})') if node_type == 'dir': richlink = True color = 'blue' if show_nfiles == 'auto': show_nfiles_ = node_data.get('too_many_files', False) else: show_nfiles_ = show_nfiles if show_nfiles_ and 'num_files' in node_data: prefix_parts.append( '[ {} ]'.format(node_data['num_files']) ) elif node_type == 'file': richlink = False if node_data.get('X_ok', False): color = 'green' else: color = 'reset' else: raise KeyError(node_type) targetrep = None if node_data['islink']: target = node_data['target'] targetrep = target if node_data['broken']: color = 'red' else: color = 'cyan' if node_data['isdir']: target_color = 'blue' target_richlink = True else: target_color = 'reset' target_richlink = False if colors: if target_richlink: import urllib.parse encoded_target = 'file://' + urllib.parse.quote(os.fspath(target)) targetrep = f'[link={encoded_target}]{targetrep}[/link]' targetrep = f'[{target_color}]{targetrep}[/{target_color}]' if colors: if richlink: import urllib.parse encoded_path = 'file://' + urllib.parse.quote(os.fspath(path)) pathrep = f'[link={encoded_path}]{pathrep}[/link]' pathrep = f'[{color}]{pathrep}[/{color}]' if targetrep is not None: pathrep = f'{pathrep} -> {targetrep}' if prefix_parts: prefix = ' '.join(prefix_parts) + ' ' else: prefix = '' node_data['label'] = prefix + pathrep + suffix
[docs] def _sort(self): g = self.graph # Order nodes based on size ordered_nodes = dict(g.nodes(data=True)) ordered_edges = [] for node in self._topo_order[::-1]: # Sort children by total lines children = g.succ[node] children = ub.udict({c: g.nodes[c] for c in children}) children = children.sorted_keys(lambda c: (g.nodes[c]['type'], g.nodes[c].get('stats', {}).get('total_lines', 0)), reverse=True) for c, d in children.items(): ordered_nodes.pop(c, None) ordered_nodes[c] = d ordered_edges.append((node, c)) # ordered_nodes.update(children) assert not (set(g.edges) - set(ordered_edges)) new = nx.DiGraph() new.add_nodes_from(ordered_nodes.items()) new.add_edges_from(ordered_edges) self.graph = new
def parse_file_stats(fpath, parse_content=True): """ Get information about a file, including things like number of code lines / documentation lines, if that sort of information is available. """ ext = fpath.suffix prefix = ext.lstrip('.') + '.' stats = {} try: stat_obj = fpath.stat() except FileNotFoundError: is_broken = True stats['broken_link'] = True stats['size'] = 0 else: is_broken = False stats['size'] = stat_obj.st_size stats['files'] = 1 if not is_broken and parse_content: try: text = fpath.read_text() except UnicodeDecodeError: # Binary file ... else: total_lines = text.count('\n') stats['total_lines'] = total_lines if ext == '.py': try: raw_code = strip_comments_and_newlines(text) code_lines = raw_code.count('\n') except Exception: ... else: stats['code_lines'] = code_lines try: # from xdoctest.core import package_calldefs from xdoctest.static_analysis import TopLevelVisitor self = TopLevelVisitor.parse(text) calldefs = self.calldefs total_doclines = 0 for k, v in calldefs.items(): if v.docstr is not None: total_doclines += v.docstr.count('\n') except Exception: ... else: stats['doc_lines'] = total_doclines stats = {prefix + k: v for k, v in stats.items()} return stats def strip_comments_and_newlines(source): """ Removes hashtag comments from underlying source Args: source (str | List[str]): TODO: would be better if this was some sort of configurable minify API Example: >>> from xdev.directory_walker import strip_comments_and_newlines >>> import ubelt as ub >>> fmtkw = dict(sss=chr(39) * 3, ddd=chr(34) * 3) >>> source = ub.codeblock( >>> ''' # comment 1 a = '# not a comment' # comment 2 multiline_string = {ddd} one {ddd} b = [ 1, # foo # bar 3, ] c = 3 ''').format(**fmtkw) >>> non_comments = strip_comments_and_newlines(source) >>> print(non_comments) >>> assert non_comments.count(chr(10)) == 10 >>> assert non_comments.count('#') == 1 """ import tokenize if isinstance(source, str): import io f = io.StringIO(source) readline = f.readline else: readline = iter(source).__next__ def strip_hashtag_comments(tokens): """ Drop comment tokens from a `tokenize` stream. """ return (t for t in tokens if t[0] != tokenize.COMMENT) def strip_consecutive_newlines(tokens): """ Consecutive newlines are dropped and trailing whitespace Adapated from: """ prev_typ = None prev_end_col = 0 skipped_rows = 0 for token_info in tokens: typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line = token_info if typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE): if prev_typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE, None): skipped_rows += 1 continue else: start_col = prev_end_col end_col = start_col + 1 prev_typ = typ prev_end_col = end_col yield typ, tok, (start_row - skipped_rows, start_col), (end_row - skipped_rows, end_col), line tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(readline) tokens = strip_hashtag_comments(tokens) tokens = strip_docstrings(tokens) tokens = strip_consecutive_newlines(tokens) new_source = tokenize.untokenize(tokens) return new_source def strip_docstrings(tokens): """ Replace docstring tokens with NL tokens in a `tokenize` stream. Any STRING token not part of an expression is deemed a docstring. Indented docstrings are not yet recognised. """ import tokenize stack = [] state = 'wait_string' for t in tokens: typ = t[0] if state == 'wait_string': if typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT): yield t elif typ in (tokenize.DEDENT, tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.STRING): stack.append(t) elif typ == tokenize.NEWLINE: stack.append(t) start_line, end_line = stack[0][2][0], stack[-1][3][0] + 1 for i in range(start_line, end_line): yield tokenize.NL, '\n', (i, 0), (i, 1), '\n' for t in stack: if t[0] in (tokenize.DEDENT, tokenize.INDENT): yield t[0], t[1], (i + 1, t[2][1]), (i + 1, t[3][1]), t[4] del stack[:] else: stack.append(t) for t in stack: yield t del stack[:] state = 'wait_newline' elif state == 'wait_newline': if typ == tokenize.NEWLINE: state = 'wait_string' yield t def byte_str(num, unit='auto', precision=2): """ Automatically chooses relevant unit (KB, MB, or GB) for displaying some number of bytes. Args: num (int): number of bytes unit (str): which unit to use, can be auto, B, KB, MB, GB, or TB References: .. [WikiOrdersOfMag] Returns: str: string representing the number of bytes with appropriate units Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> num_list = [1, 100, 1024, 1048576, 1073741824, 1099511627776] >>> result = ub.urepr(list(map(byte_str, num_list)), nl=0) >>> print(result) ['0.00 KB', '0.10 KB', '1.00 KB', '1.00 MB', '1.00 GB', '1.00 TB'] >>> byte_str(10, unit='B') '10.00 B' """ abs_num = abs(num) if unit == 'auto': if abs_num < 2.0 ** 10: unit = 'KB' elif abs_num < 2.0 ** 20: unit = 'KB' elif abs_num < 2.0 ** 30: unit = 'MB' elif abs_num < 2.0 ** 40: unit = 'GB' else: unit = 'TB' if unit.lower().startswith('b'): num_unit = num elif unit.lower().startswith('k'): num_unit = num / (2.0 ** 10) elif unit.lower().startswith('m'): num_unit = num / (2.0 ** 20) elif unit.lower().startswith('g'): num_unit = num / (2.0 ** 30) elif unit.lower().startswith('t'): num_unit = num / (2.0 ** 40) else: raise ValueError('unknown num={!r} unit={!r}'.format(num, unit)) fmtstr = ('{:.' + str(precision) + 'f} {}') res = fmtstr.format(num_unit, unit) return res def _null_coerce(cls, arg, **kwargs): if arg is None: return arg else: return cls.coerce(arg, **kwargs)