Source code for xdev.cli.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Defines the subcommands for the xdev CLI.

Each subcommand is its own scriptconfig class, which is registered using a
decorator. Special "dunder" variables like ``__command__`` and ``__alias__``
are used to control subparser configurations. The normal scriptconfig
``__default__`` variable controls subparser arguments. Lastly each class must
have a ``main`` classmethod, which is the logic invoked when the subcommand is
import scriptconfig as scfg
import ubelt as ub
import os
import sys
from scriptconfig.modal import ModalCLI
from xdev.cli import available_package_versions

[docs] class XdevCLI(ModalCLI): """ The XDEV CLI A collection of excellent developer tools for excellent developers. """
[docs] class InfoCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Info about xdev """ __command__ = 'info'
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): import xdev print('sys.version_info = {!r}'.format(sys.version_info)) print('xdev.__version__ = {!r}'.format(xdev.__version__)) print('xdev.__file__ = {!r}'.format(xdev.__file__))
[docs] class CodeblockCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Remove indentation from text. Useful for writing subscripts (e.g. python -c code) in shell files without having to resort to ugly indentation. """ __command__ = 'codeblock' __epilog__ = """ Example Usage ------------- python -c "$(xdev codeblock " import pathlib print(list(pathlib.Path('.').glob('*'))) ")" """ text = scfg.Value('', type=str, position=1, help='text to remove indentation from (i.e. dedent)')
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): """ Example: >>> from xdev.cli.main import * # NOQA >>> CodeblockCLI.main(cmdline=0, text='foobar') """ config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) print(ub.codeblock(config['text']))
[docs] class SedCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Search and replace text in files """ __command__ = 'sed' __default__ = { 'regexpr': scfg.Value('', position=1, help=ub.paragraph( ''' The pattern to search for. ''')), 'repl': scfg.Value('', position=2, help=ub.paragraph( ''' The pattern to replace with. ''')), 'dpath': scfg.Value(None, position=3, help=ub.paragraph( ''' The directory to recursively search or a file pattern to match. ''' ), alias=['path']), 'dry': scfg.Value('ask', position=4, help=ub.paragraph( ''' if 1, show what would be done. if 0, execute the change, if "ask", then show the dry run and then ask for confirmation. ''' )), 'include': scfg.Value(None, help='If specified, only consider results with matching basenames'), 'exclude': scfg.Value(None, help='If specified, do not consider results with matching basenames'), 'dirblocklist': scfg.Value(None, help=( 'Any directory matching this pattern will be removed from ' 'traveral.')), 'recursive': scfg.Value(True), 'verbose': scfg.Value(2), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): from xdev import search_replace config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) if config['verbose'] >= 2: rprint(f'config = {ub.urepr(config, nl=1, sort=0)}') # print('config = {}'.format(ub.repr2(dict(config), nl=1, sort=0))) if config['dry'] in {'ask', 'auto'}: from rich.prompt import Confirm config['dry'] = True search_replace.sed(**config) flag = Confirm.ask('Do you want to execute this sed?') if flag: config['dry'] = False search_replace.sed(**config) else: search_replace.sed(**config)
[docs] class FindCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Find matching files or paths in a directory. This is similar to the GNU find program, but written in Python. Important differences are that this program is: * has pattern first argument and uses the cwd by default. * recursive by default * has explicit include / exclude options Example ------- xdev find "*.py" """ __command__ = 'find' __default__ = { 'pattern': scfg.Value('', position=1), 'dpath': scfg.Value(None, position=2, help='the path to search. Defaults to cwd', alias=['path']), 'include': scfg.Value(None, help='If specified, only consider results with matching basenames'), 'exclude': scfg.Value(None, help='If specified, do not consider results with matching basenames'), 'dirblocklist': scfg.Value(None, help=( 'Any directory matching this pattern will be removed from ' 'traveral.')), 'type': scfg.Value('f', help="can be f and/or d"), 'recursive': scfg.Value(True), 'followlinks': scfg.Value(False), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): from xdev import search_replace config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) for found in search_replace.find(**config): print(found)
[docs] class TreeCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ List a directory like a tree See Also -------- The apt-installable tree command Example ------- xdev tree """ __command__ = 'tree' __default__ = { 'cwd': scfg.Value('.', position=1), 'max_files': scfg.Value(100), 'colors': scfg.Value(not ub.NO_COLOR, isflag=True), 'dirblocklist': scfg.Value(None), 'ignore_dotprefix': scfg.Value(True, isflag=True), 'max_depth': scfg.Value( None, help='maximum depth to recurse', short_alias=['L']), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): import xdev config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) xdev.tree_repr(**config)
# print()
[docs] class PintCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Converts one type of unit to another via the pint library. Notes: See Also -------- The pint-convert tool comes pre-installed with pint but isn't as useful for in-bash computation unless you munge the output. The idea here is that when something like GDAL wants an environ in bytes, we can specify it in megabytes. Example Usage ------------- xdev pint "10 megabytes" "bytes" --precision=0 """ __command__ = 'pint' __alias__ = ['convert_unit'] __default__ = { 'input_expr': scfg.Value(None, position=1, help='A parsable pint expression with magnitude and units'), 'output_unit': scfg.Value(None, position=2, help='The output unit to convert to'), 'precision': scfg.Value(0, type=int, help='number of decimal places to use'), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): import pint ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() args = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) input = ureg.parse_expression(args['input_expr']) output_unit = args['output_unit'] if output_unit is None: output_unit = input.unit output = if args['precision'] == 0: print(int(output.magnitude)) else: print(output.magnitude)
[docs] class PyfileCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Prints the path corresponding to a Python module. This uses the ``ubelt.modname_to_modpath`` mechanism that does not require importing of your package. Alternatives ------------ An alternative with no dependencies is to use the one-liner: python -c "import <modname>; print(<modname>.__file__)" Example Usage ------------- xdev pyfile xdev xdev pyfile numpy # Use this feature in scripts for developement to avoid referencing # machine-specific paths. MODPATH=$(xdev pyfile ubelt) echo "MODPATH = $MODPATH" """ __command__ = 'pyfile' __alias__ = ['modpath'] # input_expr = scfg.Value(None, position=1) # output_expr = scfg.Value(None, position=2) __default__ = { 'modname': scfg.Value(None, position=1), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): args = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) modpath = ub.modname_to_modpath(args['modname']) print(modpath)
[docs] class PyVersionCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Detect and print the version of a Python module or package. Note ---- Different backends may produce different results, especially for packages that are in development and were installed in development mode. Alternatives ------------ An alternative with no dependencies is to use the one-liner: python -c "import <modname>; print(<modname>.__version__)" Example Usage ------------- xdev pyversion xdev xdev pyversion numpy # Both the module name and the package name can be used. xdev pyversion cv2 xdev pyversion opencv-python-headless xdev pyversion xdev --backend=import xdev pyversion xdev --backend=pkg_resources """ __command__ = 'pyversion' __alias__ = ['modversion'] __default__ = { 'modname': scfg.Value(None, position=1, help='The name of the module or package'), 'backend': scfg.Value('auto', help=ub.paragraph( ''' The method to lookup the version. The core methods are 'import' which imports the module and looks for a ``__version__`` attribute or 'pkg_resources', which uses pip metadata. Can also be 'auto' which tries to find the first one that works. '''), choices=['auto', 'import', 'pkg_resources']), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): args = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) modname = args['modname'] if args['backend'] == 'auto': candidate_backends = ['import', 'pkg_resources'] else: candidate_backends = [args['backend']] def _getversion(modname, backend): if backend == 'import': module = ub.import_module_from_name(modname) version = module.__version__ elif backend == 'pkg_resources': import pkg_resources version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(modname).version else: raise KeyError(backend) return version version = None for backend in candidate_backends: try: version = _getversion(modname, backend) except KeyError: raise except Exception: ... else: break print(version) if version is None: raise Exception(f'No version was found for {modname}')
[docs] class EditfileCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Opens a file in your visual editor determined by the ``VISUAL`` environment variable. If ``VISUAL`` is unspecified it attempts to default to the first known existing editor. Example Usage ------------- xdev edit xdev xdev edit numpy """ __command__ = 'editfile' __alias__ = ['edit'] __default__ = { 'target': scfg.Value(None, position=1, help='a path or a module name'), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): import xdev args = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) xdev.editfile(
[docs] class FormatQuotesCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Use single quotes for code and double quotes for docs. This is useful for "fixing" quotations after running a code formater like black on a module. """ __command__ = 'format_quotes' __default__ = { 'path': scfg.Value('', position=1, help=ub.paragraph( ''' ''')), 'diff': scfg.Value(True, help=ub.paragraph( ''' The pattern to replace with. ''')), 'write': scfg.Value(False, isflag=True, short_alias=['w'], help=ub.paragraph( ''' The directory to recursively search or a file pattern to match. ''' )), 'verbose': scfg.Value(3, help=ub.paragraph( ''' ''' )), 'recursive': scfg.Value(True), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): from xdev import format_quotes config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) format_quotes.format_quotes(**config)
[docs] class FreshPyenvCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Create a fresh environment in a docker container to test a Python package. SeeAlso ------- The generic bash script also installed with this package. """ __command__ = 'freshpyenv' __default__ = { 'image': scfg.Value('__default__', help='The docker image to use') }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) import ubelt as ub ub.cmd(f' --image={config["image"]}', system=True)
[docs] class DocstrStubgenCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Generate Typed Stubs from Docstrings (experimental) Note ---- This is an experimental command and currently requires a specialized patch to mypy to work correctly. """ __command__ = 'docstubs' __alias__ = ['doctypes'] __default__ = { 'module': scfg.Value(None, position=1, help=ub.paragraph( ''' The name of a module in the PYTHONPATH or an explicit path to that module. ''')), }
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): from xdev.cli import docstr_stubgen config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) print(f'config={config}') modname_or_path = config['module'] print(f'modname_or_path={modname_or_path}') if modname_or_path is None: raise ValueError('Must specify the module') modpath = docstr_stubgen.modpath_coerce(modname_or_path) modpath = ub.Path(modpath) generated = docstr_stubgen.generate_typed_stubs(modpath) for fpath, text in generated.items(): fpath = ub.Path(fpath) print(f'Write fpath={fpath}') fpath.write_text(text) # Generate a py.typed file to mark the package as typed if modpath.is_dir(): pytyped_fpath = (modpath / 'py.typed') print(f'touch pytyped_fpath={pytyped_fpath}') pytyped_fpath.touch()
[docs] class AvailablePackageCLI(scfg.DataConfig): __command__ = 'available_package_versions' __alias__ = ['availpkg'] __default__ = available_package_versions.AvailablePackageConfig.__default__ __doc__ = available_package_versions.AvailablePackageConfig.__doc__
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): available_package_versions.main(cmdline=cmdline, **kwargs)
from xdev.cli.dirstats import DirectoryStatsCLI
[docs] class RegexCLI(scfg.DataConfig): """ Query the regex builder for help on the command line. By default prints useful regex constructs I have a hard time remembering. """ __command__ = 'regex' backend = scfg.Value('python', choices=['python', 'vim'], help='regex flavor')
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=False, **kwargs): """ Ignore: from xdev.cli.main import * # NOQA cls = XdevCLI.RegexCLI cmdline = 0 kwargs = {} """ config = cls.cli(cmdline=cmdline, data=kwargs) rprint(f'config = {ub.urepr(config, nl=1)}') from xdev.regex_builder import RegexBuilder b = RegexBuilder.coerce(config.backend) rprint(f'b.constructs = {ub.urepr(b.constructs, nl=1, sk=1, align=":")}')
[docs] def rprint(*args): try: import rich rich.print(*args) except ImportError: print(*args)
[docs] def main(): import xdev cli = XdevCLI() cli.version = xdev.__version__ XDEV_LOOSE_CLI = os.environ.get('XDEV_LOOSE_CLI', '') cli.main(strict=not XDEV_LOOSE_CLI)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdev --help xdev --version xdev info xdev sed "main" "MAIN" "." --dry=True --include="*_*.py" xdev find "*_*.py" '.' xdev codeblock " import sys print(sys.argv) print([ 'hello world' ]) " """ main()