Source code for xdev.cli.docstr_stubgen

Script for auto-generating pyi type extension files from google-style

This is a work in progress, but ultimately the goal is to be able to express
concise typing information in docstrings and then explicitly expose that to

    pip install mypy autoflake yapf

    # Run script to parse google-style docstrings and write pyi files

    xdev doctypes --module=xdev
    python ~/code/xdev/xdev/cli/


    # Run mypy to check that type annotations are correct
    mypy ubelt

    # Can we use liberator to help automatically extract some of these imports?

    # The idea is check if the name is defined, and if not try to define it.
    # Very similar to how liberator works.
    import liberator

    from kwcoco.util.delayed_poc import delayed_nodes
    modpath = delayed_nodes.__file__
    name = 'DelayedVisionOperation'
    lib = liberator.Liberator()
    lib.add_static(name, modpath)

    from mypy.stubgen import (StubGenerator, find_self_initializers, FUNC, EMPTY,
    from mypy.nodes import (
        # Expression, IntExpr, UnaryExpr, StrExpr, BytesExpr, NameExpr, FloatExpr, MemberExpr,
        # TupleExpr, ListExpr, ComparisonExpr, CallExpr, IndexExpr, EllipsisExpr,
        # ClassDef, MypyFile, Decorator, AssignmentStmt, TypeInfo,
        # IfStmt, ImportAll, ImportFrom, Import,
        # FuncBase, Block,
        # Statement, OverloadedFuncDef, ARG_POS,
        ARG_STAR, ARG_STAR2,
        # ARG_NAMED,
    from mypy.types import (
        # Type, TypeStrVisitor,
        # UnboundType, NoneType, TupleType, TypeList, Instance,
    from mypy.traverser import (
except Exception:
    StubGenerator = object
    FuncDef = None

import sys
from typing import (List,)
# from mypy.stubgenc import generate_stub_for_c_module
# from mypy.stubutil import (
#     default_py2_interpreter, CantImport, generate_guarded,
#     walk_packages, find_module_path_and_all_py2, find_module_path_and_all_py3,
#     report_missing, fail_missing, remove_misplaced_type_comments, common_dir_prefix
# )
import ubelt as ub

Stub = ...  # hack for mypy. Not sure why it is generated in the first place.

[docs] def _hack_away_compiled_mypy(): """ Worked with: mypy-0.970+dev.ddbea6988c0913c70ed16cd2fda6064e301b4b63 Note: # Can also do pip uninstall mypy pip install -U mypy --no-binary :all: """ # This doesn't seem to work. The only thing that has worked so far is a # custom checkout and developer install. Not sure why that is the case. modpath = ub.Path(ub.modname_to_modpath('mypy')) print(f'modpath={modpath}') compiled_modules = list(modpath.glob('*.so')) print(f'compiled_modules={compiled_modules}') for p in compiled_modules: p.delete()
[docs] def generate_typed_stubs(modpath): """ Attempt to use google-style docstrings, xdoctest, and mypy to generate typed stub files. Does not overwrite anything by itself. Args: modpath (PathLike): path to the module to generate types for Returns: Dict[PathLike, str]: A dictionary mapping the path of each file to write to the text to be written. Notes: FIXME: This currently requires my hacked version of mypy CommandLine: xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/xdev/xdev/cli/ generate_typed_stubs --hacked Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:mypy) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--hacked) >>> from xdev.cli.docstr_stubgen import * # NOQA >>> import xdev >>> import ubelt as ub >>> from xdev.cli import docstr_stubgen >>> modpath = ub.Path(docstr_stubgen.__file__) >>> generated = generate_typed_stubs(modpath) >>> text = generated[ub.peek(generated.keys())] >>> assert 'PathLike' in text >>> assert 'Dict' in text >>> print(text) Ignore: # This was done with mypy version: # 0.920+dev.5c4aea39ab6a14eeef85cc849d6057bebf2147a3 pyfile mypy.stubgen # Delete compiled verisons so we can hack it # ls $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/*/site-packages/mypy/*.so # rm $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/*/site-packages/mypy/*.so # rm ~/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/envs/pyenv3.8.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mypy/* # This works I think? if [[ ! -e "$HOME/code/mypy" ]]; then git clone $HOME/code/mypy fi (cd $HOME/code/mypy && git pull) pip install -e $HOME/code/mypy pip install MonkeyType monkeytype run monkeytype stub ubelt.util_dict from typing import TypeVar from mypy.applytype import get_target_type z = TypeVar('Iterable') get_target_type(z) from mypy.expandtype import expand_type expand_type(z, env={}) from mypy.types import get_proper_type get_proper_type(z) get_proper_type(dict) import typing get_proper_type(typing.Iterable) from mypy.types import deserialize_type, UnboundType import mypy.types as mypy_types z = UnboundType('Iterable') get_proper_type(dict) from mypy.fastparse import parse_type_string parse_type_string('dict', 'dict', 0, 0) z = parse_type_string('typing.Iterator', 'Any', 0, 0) get_proper_type(z) """ # import pathlib # import ubelt as ub import os from mypy import stubgen from mypy import defaults from xdoctest import static_analysis # from os.path import join import ubelt as ub # modname = 'scriptconfig' # module = ub.import_module_from_name(modname) # modpath = ub.Path(module.__file__).parent # for p in pathlib.Path(modpath).glob('*.pyi'): # p.unlink() modpath = ub.Path(modpath) files = list(static_analysis.package_modpaths( modpath, recursive=True, with_libs=0, with_pkg=0)) # print('files = {}'.format(ub.repr2(files, nl=1))) # files = [f for f in files if 'deprecated' not in f] # files = [join(ubelt_dpath, '')] if modpath.is_file(): output_dir = modpath.parent.parent else: output_dir = modpath.parent # print(f'output_dir={output_dir}') options = stubgen.Options( pyversion=defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION, no_import=True, doc_dir='', search_path=[], interpreter=sys.executable, ignore_errors=False, parse_only=True, include_private=False, output_dir=os.fspath(output_dir), modules=[], packages=[], files=[os.fspath(p) for p in files], verbose=False, quiet=False, export_less=True, include_docstrings=True, ) # generate_stubs(options) mypy_opts = stubgen.mypy_options(options) py_modules, c_modules = stubgen.collect_build_targets(options, mypy_opts) # Collect info from docs (if given): sigs = class_sigs = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] if options.doc_dir: sigs, class_sigs = stubgen.collect_docs_signatures(options.doc_dir) # Use parsed sources to generate stubs for Python modules. stubgen.generate_asts_for_modules(py_modules, options.parse_only, mypy_opts, options.verbose) generated = {} verbose = 3 for mod in py_modules: assert mod.path is not None, "Not found module was not skipped" # print(f'mod.module={mod.module}') # import xdev # xdev.embed() target = mod.path + 'i' # target = mod.module.replace('.', '/') # if os.path.basename(mod.path) == '': # target += '/__init__.pyi' # else: # target += '.pyi' # target = join(options.output_dir, target) if verbose > 1: print(f'target={target}') # print(f'options.output_dir={options.output_dir}') # print(f'target={target}') files.append(target) with stubgen.generate_guarded(mod.module, target, options.ignore_errors, options.verbose): stubgen.generate_stub_from_ast(mod, target, options.parse_only, # options.pyversion, options.include_private, options.export_less) gen = ExtendedStubGenerator(mod.runtime_all, # pyversion=options.pyversion, include_private=options.include_private, analyzed=not options.parse_only, export_less=options.export_less) assert mod.ast is not None, "This function must be used only with analyzed modules" mod.ast.accept(gen) # print('gen.import_tracker.required_names = {!r}'.format(gen.import_tracker.required_names)) # print(gen.import_tracker.import_lines()) # print('mod.path = {!r}'.format(mod.path)) known_one_letter_types = { # 'T', 'K', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'V', 'DT', 'KT', 'VT', 'T', 'T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5', # Hack for kwcoco 'ObjT', } for type_var_name in sorted(set(gen.import_tracker.required_names) & set(known_one_letter_types)): gen.add_typing_import('TypeVar') # gen.add_import_line('from typing import {}\n'.format('TypeVar')) gen._output = ['{} = TypeVar("{}")\n'.format(type_var_name, type_var_name)] + gen._output custom_types = {'Hasher', 'Sliceable'} for type_var_name in sorted(set(gen.import_tracker.required_names) & set(custom_types)): gen.add_typing_import('TypeVar') # gen.add_import_line('from typing import {}\n'.format('TypeVar')) gen._output = ['{} = TypeVar("{}")\n'.format(type_var_name, type_var_name)] + gen._output # Check for a special user header variable we pull in verbatim import mypy user_header = None for d in mod.ast.defs: if isinstance(d, mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt): try: if len(d.lvalues) == 1 and d.lvalues[0].name == '__docstubs__': user_header = d.rvalue.value except AttributeError: ... if user_header is not None: gen._output = [user_header] + gen._output # Hack for specific module # if mod.path.endswith(''): # import xdev # xdev.embed() text = ''.join(gen.output()) text = postprocess_hacks(text, mod) # Write output to file. # subdir = ub.Path(target).parent # if subdir and not os.path.isdir(subdir): # os.makedirs(subdir) generated[target] = text if verbose > 1: print(f'generated target={target}') # with open(target, 'w') as file: # file.write(text) delete_unpaired_pyi_files(modpath) return generated
[docs] def delete_unpaired_pyi_files(modpath): """ Cleanup pyi files corresponding to renamed or removed py files. """ import os from xdev.cli import dirstats walker = dirstats.DirectoryWalker(modpath, block_dnames=['__pycache__']) walker._walk() dangling_pyi_fpaths = [] for node in walker.graph.nodes(): if node.endswith('.pyi'): pypath = ub.Path(os.fspath(node)[0:-1]) if not pypath.exists(): dangling_pyi_fpaths.append(node) if dangling_pyi_fpaths: from rich.prompt import Confirm ans = Confirm.ask(f'Found {len(dangling_pyi_fpaths)} unpaired pyi files. Delete them?') if ans: for p in dangling_pyi_fpaths: p.delete()
[docs] def remove_duplicate_imports(text): import parso from parso.normalizer import Normalizer class DuplicateImportRemover(Normalizer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.import_from_nodes = [] self.import_name_nodes = [] self.seen_import_name_code = set() self.seen_import_from_code = set() def visit(self, node): self.node = node if node.type == 'import_from': self.import_from_nodes.append(node) is_top_level = node.parent.type == 'simple_stmt' and node.parent.parent.type == 'file_input' if is_top_level: code = node.get_code() if code in self.seen_import_from_code: node.parent.children.clear() self.seen_import_from_code.add(code) elif node.type == 'import_name': self.import_from_nodes.append(node) is_top_level = node.parent.type == 'simple_stmt' and node.parent.parent.type == 'file_input' if is_top_level: code = node.get_code() if code in self.seen_import_name_code: node.parent.children.clear() self.seen_import_name_code.add(code) else: ... return super().visit(node) module = parso.parse(text) normalizer = DuplicateImportRemover(None, None) normalizer.walk(module) normalizer.import_from_nodes normalizer.import_name_nodes new_text = module.get_code() return new_text
[docs] def postprocess_hacks(text, mod): import autoflake import yapf # Hack to remove lines caused by Py2 compat text = text.replace('Generator = object\n', '') text = text.replace('select = NotImplemented\n', '') text = text.replace('iteritems: Any\n', '') text = text.replace('text_type = str\n', '') text = text.replace('text_type: Any\n', '') text = text.replace('string_types: Any\n', '') text = text.replace('PY2: Any\n', '') text = text.replace('__win32_can_symlink__: Any\n', '') # text = text.replace('odict = OrderedDict', '') # text = text.replace('ddict = defaultdict', '') # FIXME: does ubelt still need this? if mod.path.endswith(''): # hack for util_dict text = 'import sys\n' + text if mod.path.endswith(''): # hack for forward reference text = text.replace(' -> Path:', " -> 'Path':") text = text.replace('class Path(_PathBase)', "class Path") # Not sure why this happens text = text.replace('from io import io\n', '') text = text.replace('from datetime import datetime\n', '') # Ubelt hack if 'DictBase' in text: # Hack for util_dict text = text.replace('DictBase = OrderedDict\n', '') text = text.replace('DictBase = dict\n', 'DictBase = OrderedDict if sys.version_info[0:2] <= (3, 6) else dict') if 1: text = remove_duplicate_imports(text) # Format the PYI file nicely text = autoflake.fix_code(text, remove_unused_variables=True, remove_all_unused_imports=True) # import autopep8 # text = autopep8.fix_code(text, options={ # 'aggressive': 0, # 'experimental': 0, # }) style = text, _ = yapf.yapf_api.FormatCode( text, filename='<stdin>', style_config=style, lines=None, verify=False) # print(text) return text
[docs] @ub.memoize def stdlib_names(): # import sys try: names = sys.stdlib_module_names except AttributeError: from isort import stdlibs names = list(stdlibs.py3.stdlib) return names
[docs] @ub.memoize def common_module_names(): """ fpath = ub.grabdata('', expires=86400) fpath = ub.Path(fpath) import json data = json.loads(fpath.read_text()) for item in data['rows'][0:300]: pkg_name = item['project'] if '-' not in pkg_name: print(f'{pkg_name!r},') """ names = stdlib_names().copy() names = list(names) # names.extend([ 'numpy', 'torch', 'pandas', 'h5py', 'networkx', 'torch.nn', 'shapely', # Hack: determine this from env 'kwcoco', 'kwimage', 'kwarray', 'xdoctest', 'xdoctest.doctest_part', 'scipy', 'sklearn', 'matplotlib', 'seaborn', 'attrs', 'keras', 'ujson', 'black', 'mypy', 'simplejson', 'parso', 'tensorflow', 'cython', 'git', 'openpyxl', 'concurrent.futures', 'hashlib._hashlib', 'kwcoco.util.delayed_poc.delayed_nodes', 'kwcoco.coco_objects1d', 'kwcoco.metrics.confusion_measures', ]) names.extend([ 'jinja2', 'boto3', 'requests', 'dateutil', 'yaml', 'boto3', 'botocore', 'urllib3', 'requests', 'setuptools', 's3transfer', 'six', 'certifi', 'idna', 'pyyaml', 'wheel', 'cryptography', 'awscli', 'rsa', 'pip', 'pyparsing', 'jmespath', 'pyasn1', 'packaging', 'zipp', 'pyjwt', 'colorama', 'pytz', 'click', 'cffi', 'protobuf', 'oauthlib', 'jinja2', 'pycparser', 'markupsafe', 'cachetools', 'wrapt', 'docutils', 'isodate', 'psutil', 'pyarrow', 'chardet', 'sqlalchemy', 'tomli', 'decorator', 'werkzeug', 'msrest', 'aiohttp', 'grpcio', 'multidict', 'scipy', 'py', 'yarl', 'pluggy', 'filelock', 'pillow', 'soupsieve', 'aiobotocore', 'jsonschema', 'lxml', 'pytest', '_pytest', 'beautifulsoup4', 'tqdm', 'greenlet', 'platformdirs', 'fsspec', 'pyopenssl', 'tabulate', 's3fs', 'flask', 'toml', 'asn1crypto', 'future', 'frozenlist', 'pyrsistent', 'aiosignal', 'pygments', 'pynacl', 'itsdangerous', 'httplib2', 'iniconfig', 'docker', ]) return names
[docs] @ub.memoize def common_module_aliases(): aliases = [ {'modname': 'numpy', 'alias': ['np']}, {'modname': 'scipy', 'alias': ['sp']}, {'modname': 'pandas', 'alias': ['pd']}, {'modname': 'matplotlib', 'alias': ['mpl']}, {'modname': 'seaborn', 'alias': ['sns']}, # I'm biased, what can I say? {'modname': 'ubelt', 'alias': ['ub']}, ] return aliases
[docs] @ub.memoize def common_unreferenced(): modname_to_refs = { 'numpy': [ 'ndarray', ], 'numbers': [ 'Number', 'Real', 'Integral', 'Rational', 'Complex', ], 'concurrent.futures': [ 'ThreadPoolExecutor', 'ProcessPoolExecutor', 'Future', ], 'numpy.random': [ 'RandomState', ], # 'numpy.typing': [ 'ArrayLike', ], 'torch': [ 'Tensor', ], 'typing': [ 'Callable', 'Any', 'IO', ], 'collections': [ 'OrderedDict', 'defaultdict' ], 'types': [ 'TracebackType', ], } try: import nptyping modname_to_refs['nptyping'] = ['NDArray', 'Shape', 'DType'] + list(set(nptyping.typing_.dtype_per_name.keys()) - {'Number'}) except ModuleNotFoundError as ex: print('Warning: ex = {}'.format(ub.urepr(ex, nl=1))) pass unref = [ {'name': 'datetime', 'modname': 'datetime'}, {'name': 'io', 'modname': 'io'}, {'name': 'PathLike', 'modname': 'os'}, {'name': 'ModuleType', 'modname': 'types'}, {'name': 'FrameType', 'modname': 'types'}, {'name': 'NoParam', 'modname': 'ubelt.util_const'}, {'name': '_NoParamType', 'modname': 'ubelt.util_const'}, {'name': 'NoParamType', 'modname': 'ubelt.util_const'}, {'name': 'GeometricTransform', 'modname': 'skimage.transform._geometric'}, ] for modname, refs in modname_to_refs.items(): for ref in refs: unref.append({'name': ref, 'modname': modname}) return unref
[docs] def hacked_typing_info(type_name): result = { 'import_lines': [], 'typing_imports': [], 'hacks': [], } add_import_line = result['import_lines'].append add_typing_import = result['typing_imports'].append # TODO: do a real parsing of the type names with a node transformer if 'callable' in type_name: # TODO: generalize, allow the "callable" func to be transformed # into the type if given in the docstring type_name = type_name.replace('callable', 'Callable') import re type_name = re.sub(r'\bor\b', '|', type_name) if type_name == '?': type_name = 'Any' if '|' in type_name: add_typing_import('Union') add_import_line('from typing import {}\n'.format('Union')) common_typing_types = [ 'Iterable', 'Callable', 'Dict', 'List', 'Union', 'Type', 'Mapping', 'Tuple', 'Optional', 'Sequence', 'Iterator', 'Set', 'Dict' ] # See: common_typeshed_types = [ 'SupportsItems', 'SupportsKeysAndGetItem', 'SupportsGetItem', 'SupportsItemAccess', 'SupportsWrite', 'SupportsRead', 'SupportsReadline', 'SupportsNoArgReadline', 'HasFileno', 'FileDescriptor', 'FileDescriptorLike', 'FileDescriptorOrPath', ] for typing_arg in common_typing_types: if typing_arg in type_name: add_typing_import(typing_arg) add_import_line('from typing import {}\n'.format(typing_arg)) for typing_arg in common_typeshed_types: if typing_arg in type_name: add_typing_import(typing_arg) add_import_line('from _typeshed import {}\n'.format(typing_arg)) if 'Float32' in type_name: add_import_line('from nptyping import {}\n'.format('Float32')) if 'Int64' in type_name: add_import_line('from nptyping import {}\n'.format('Int64')) if 'Shape' in type_name: add_import_line('from nptyping import {}\n'.format('Shape')) if 'UInt8' in type_name: add_import_line('from nptyping import {}\n'.format('UInt8')) if 'Bool' in type_name: add_import_line('from nptyping import {}\n'.format('Bool')) if 'Integer' in type_name: add_import_line('from nptyping import {}\n'.format('Integer')) if 'skimage.transform.AffineTransform' == type_name: add_import_line('import skimage.transform\n') common_modnames = common_module_names() common_aliases = common_module_aliases() for item in common_aliases: for alias in item['alias']: prefix = alias + '.' if prefix in type_name: add_import_line('import {} as {}\n'.format(item['modname'], alias)) for modname in common_modnames: prefix = modname + '.' if prefix in type_name: add_import_line('import {}\n'.format(modname)) common_unref = common_unreferenced() for item in common_unref: if item['name'] in type_name: add_import_line('from {} import {}\n'.format(item['modname'], item['name'])) if 1: # HACKS # if type_name == 'Sliceable': # result['hacks'].append('sliceable') hack_to_any = { 'imgaug.augmenters.Augmenter', 'imgaug.KeypointsOnImage', 'ia.BoundingBoxesOnImage', 'Sliceable', 'Augmenter', } for h in hack_to_any: if h in type_name: add_import_line('from typing import {}\n'.format('Any')) break for h in hack_to_any: if h in type_name: type_name = type_name.replace(h, 'Any') # types.ModuleType # if 'PathLike' in type_name: # add_import_line('from os import {}\n'.format('PathLike')) # if 'hashlib._hashlib' in type_name: # add_import_line('import hashlib._hashlib\n') # if 'concurrent.futures.Future' in type_name: # add_import_line('import concurrent.futures\n') # if type_name.startswith('callable'): # # TODO: generalize, allow the "callable" func to be transformed # # into the type if given in the docstring # result['type_name'] = type_name.replace('callable', 'Callable') # add_typing_import('Callable') # add_import_line('from typing import {}\n'.format(typing_arg)) result['type_name'] = type_name return result
[docs] class ExtendedStubGenerator(StubGenerator):
[docs] def _hack_for_info(self, info): type_name = info['type'] if type_name is not None: if type_name == 'NoParamType' and self.path == 'ubelt/': # hack: Ignore util const return results = hacked_typing_info(type_name) for typing_arg in results['typing_imports']: self.add_typing_import(typing_arg) for line in results['import_lines']: self.add_import_line(line) for hack in results['hacks']: if hack == 'sliceable': hacked = ub.codeblock( ''' from typing import Any from typing_extensions import Protocol class Sliceable(Protocol): def __getitem__(self: 'Sliceable', key: Any) -> Any: ... ''') + '\n' self.add_import_line(hacked) else: raise NotImplementedError(hack) info['type'] = results['type_name']
[docs] def visit_func_def(self, o: FuncDef, is_abstract: bool = False, is_overload: bool = False) -> None: from mypy import fastparse DEBUG = 0 if DEBUG: print(' = {!r}'.format( import ubelt as ub # Parse extra information out of the docstring name_to_parsed_docstr_info = {} return_parsed_docstr_info = None fullname = if getattr(self, '_IN_CLASS', None) is not None: fullname = self._IN_CLASS + '.' + # TODO: Can we do this statically instead? parent_mod = ub.import_module_from_name(self.module) if DEBUG: print('fullname = {!r}'.format(fullname)) curr = parent_mod for part in fullname.split('.'): curr = getattr(curr, part, None) real_func = curr force_yield = False if real_func is not None and real_func.__doc__ is not None: from xdoctest.docstr import docscrape_google parsed_args = None # parsed_ret = None blocks = docscrape_google.split_google_docblocks(real_func.__doc__) # print('blocks = {}'.format(ub.repr2(blocks, nl=1))) for key, block in blocks: # print(f'block key={key}') lines = block[0] if key == 'Returns': # print(f'lines={lines}') for retdict in docscrape_google.parse_google_retblock(lines): # print(f'retdict={retdict}') self._hack_for_info(retdict) return_parsed_docstr_info = (key, retdict['type']) if return_parsed_docstr_info is None: print('Warning: return block for {} might be malformed'.format(real_func)) if key == 'Yields': for retdict in docscrape_google.parse_google_retblock(lines): self._hack_for_info(retdict) return_parsed_docstr_info = (key, retdict['type']) force_yield = True if return_parsed_docstr_info is None: print('Warning: return block for {} might be malformed'.format(real_func)) if key == 'Args': # hack for *args lines = '\n'.join([line.lstrip('*') for line in lines.split('\n')]) # print('lines = {!r}'.format(lines)) parsed_args = list(docscrape_google.parse_google_argblock(lines)) for info in parsed_args: self._hack_for_info(info) name = info['name'].replace('*', '') name_to_parsed_docstr_info[name] = info parsed_rets = list(docscrape_google.parse_google_returns(real_func.__doc__)) ret_infos = [] for info in parsed_rets: try: got = fastparse.parse_type_string(info['type'], 'Any', 0, 0) ret_infos.append(got) except Exception: pass if (self.is_private_name(, o.fullname) or self.is_not_in_all( or (self.is_recorded_name( and not is_overload)): self.clear_decorators() return if not self._indent and self._state not in (EMPTY, FUNC) and not o.is_awaitable_coroutine: self.add('\n') if not self.is_top_level(): # This handles class-level attributes. # We assume we already parsed out the Attributes section # when we visited the class, so now we have to use that info here. self_inits = find_self_initializers(o) self_inits_lut = dict(self_inits) # The docstring is the single source of truth, respect it. pseudo_inits = [] if self._docstring_class_attr_infos is None: _docstring_class_attr_infos = {} else: _docstring_class_attr_infos = self._docstring_class_attr_infos for name, info in _docstring_class_attr_infos.items(): if name in self_inits_lut: pseudo_inits.append((name, self_inits_lut[name])) else: pseudo_inits.append((name, None)) # Maybe we shouldnt do this if there is an Attributes section? pseudo_inits.extend(list(ub.dict_diff(self_inits_lut, _docstring_class_attr_infos).items())) for init, value in pseudo_inits: if init in self.method_names: # Can't have both an attribute and a method/property with the same name. continue # Use the init docstring to get a hint for the type annotation = None # The class attributes should override the init signature if init in _docstring_class_attr_infos: typename = _docstring_class_attr_infos[init]['type'] try: annotation = fastparse.parse_type_string(typename, 'Any', 0, 0) except Exception: print(f'FAILED ON typename={typename} for {init}') annotation = None elif init in name_to_parsed_docstr_info: typename = name_to_parsed_docstr_info[init]['type'] try: annotation = fastparse.parse_type_string(typename, 'Any', 0, 0) except Exception: print(f'FAILED ON typename={typename} for {init}') annotation = None # import xdev # xdev.embed() init_code = self.get_init(init, value, annotation=annotation) if init_code: self.add(init_code) # dump decorators, just before "def ..." for s in self._decorators: self.add(s) self.clear_decorators() self.add("%s%sdef %s(" % (self._indent, 'async ' if o.is_coroutine else '', self.record_name( DEVELOPER_DEBUGGING = 0 if DEVELOPER_DEBUGGING: # Set this to the name function we are going to debug function_to_debug = 'show_chipmatch2' print(f'{}') if == function_to_debug: print('o = {!r}'.format(o)) print('o.arguments = {!r}'.format(o.arguments)) import xdev xdev.embed() # ------------------------------------------ # Enrich doctypes with inferable information # ------------------------------------------ # Do a quick initial pass to check to compare the parsed docstr types # to default values if they exist. If the default value is something # like None, but the existing type annotation isn't marked as optional # we can insert that for the user. name_to_argument = { arg_ for arg_ in o.arguments} check_names = set(name_to_argument) & set(name_to_parsed_docstr_info) for name in check_names: arg_ = name_to_argument[name] if arg_.initializer is not None: # TODO: find a better way of checking if the default value # matches the type of the given doctype and extend the # doctype if needbe. For now we are hacking it to # handle None specificaly. if hasattr(arg_.initializer, 'name') and == 'None': info = name_to_parsed_docstr_info[name] if info['type'] is not None: doctype_str = info['type'].replace(' ', '') if all(n not in doctype_str for n in {'None', 'Optional'}): info['type'] = info['type'] + ' | None' self.add_typing_import('Union') # ------------------------------------------ args: List[str] = [] for i, arg_ in enumerate(o.arguments): var = arg_.variable kind = arg_.kind name = annotated_type = (o.unanalyzed_type.arg_types[i] if isinstance(o.unanalyzed_type, CallableType) else None) if annotated_type is None: if name in name_to_parsed_docstr_info: name = name.replace('*', '') doc_type_str = name_to_parsed_docstr_info[name].get('type', None) if doc_type_str is not None: doc_type_str = doc_type_str.split(', default')[0] # annotated_type = doc_type_str # import mypy.types as mypy_types # globals_ = {**mypy_types.__dict__} try: got = fastparse.parse_type_string(doc_type_str, 'Any', 0, 0) except Exception as ex: print('ex = {!r}'.format(ex)) print('Failed to parse doc_type_str = {!r}'.format(doc_type_str)) else: annotated_type = got # print('PARSED: annotated_type = {!r}'.format(annotated_type)) # print('annotated_type = {!r}'.format(annotated_type)) # I think the name check is incorrect: there are libraries which # name their 0th argument other than self/cls is_self_arg = i == 0 and name == 'self' is_cls_arg = i == 0 and name == 'cls' annotation = "" if annotated_type and not is_self_arg and not is_cls_arg: # Luckily, an argument explicitly annotated with "Any" has # type "UnboundType" and will not match. if not isinstance(get_proper_type(annotated_type), AnyType): annotation = ": {}".format(self.print_annotation(annotated_type)) # xdev change, where we try to port the defaults over to the stubs # as well (otherwise they dont show up in the function help text) XDEV_KEEP_SOME_DEFAULTS = True if arg_.initializer: if kind.is_named() and not any(arg.startswith('*') for arg in args): args.append('*') if not annotation: typename = self.get_str_type_of_node(arg_.initializer, True, False) if typename == '': if XDEV_KEEP_SOME_DEFAULTS: # TODO annotation = '=...' else: annotation = '=...' else: annotation = ': {} = ...'.format(typename) else: if XDEV_KEEP_SOME_DEFAULTS: import mypy # arg_.initializer.is_special_form if isinstance(arg_.initializer, (mypy.nodes.IntExpr, mypy.nodes.FloatExpr)): annotation += '={!r}'.format(arg_.initializer.value) elif isinstance(arg_.initializer, mypy.nodes.StrExpr): annotation += '={!r}'.format(arg_.initializer.value) elif isinstance(arg_.initializer, mypy.nodes.NameExpr): annotation += '={}'.format( else: # fallback, unhandled default print(f'todo: Unhandled arg_.initializer={type(arg_.initializer)}') annotation += '=...' else: annotation += ' = ...' arg = name + annotation elif kind == ARG_STAR: arg = '*%s%s' % (name, annotation) elif kind == ARG_STAR2: arg = '**%s%s' % (name, annotation) else: arg = name + annotation args.append(arg) retname = None if != '__init__' and isinstance(o.unanalyzed_type, CallableType): if isinstance(get_proper_type(o.unanalyzed_type.ret_type), AnyType): # Luckily, a return type explicitly annotated with "Any" has # type "UnboundType" and will enter the else branch. retname = None # implicit Any else: retname = self.print_annotation(o.unanalyzed_type.ret_type) elif o.abstract_status == IS_ABSTRACT or in METHODS_WITH_RETURN_VALUE: # Always assume abstract methods return Any unless explicitly annotated. Also # some dunder methods should not have a None return type. retname = None # implicit Any elif has_yield_expression(o) or force_yield: try: self.add_abc_import('Generator') except AttributeError: self.add_typing_import('Generator') yield_name = 'None' send_name = 'None' return_name = 'None' for expr, in_assignment in all_yield_expressions(o): if expr.expr is not None and not self.is_none_expr(expr.expr): self.add_typing_import('Any') yield_name = 'Any' if in_assignment: self.add_typing_import('Any') send_name = 'Any' if has_return_statement(o): self.add_typing_import('Any') return_name = 'Any' generator_name = self.typing_name('Generator') if return_parsed_docstr_info is not None: yield_name = return_parsed_docstr_info[1] retname = f'{generator_name}[{yield_name}, {send_name}, {return_name}]' # print(' = {}'.format(ub.repr2(, nl=1))) # print('retname = {!r}'.format(retname)) # print('retfield = {!r}'.format(retfield)) elif not has_return_statement(o) and not is_abstract: retname = 'None' # print('---') # print(f'retname={retname!r}') # print(f'return_parsed_docstr_info={return_parsed_docstr_info}') if retname is None or retname == 'None': # print('need retname') if return_parsed_docstr_info is not None: # print('not none') retname = return_parsed_docstr_info[1] # print('after') # print(f'retname={retname}') retfield = '' if retname is not None: retfield = ' -> ' + retname # print(f'retfield={retfield}') self.add(', '.join(args)) self.add("){}: ...\n".format(retfield)) self._state = FUNC
[docs] def process_decorator(self, o) -> None: from mypy.stubgen import get_qualified_name from mypy.nodes import CallExpr parent_mod = ub.import_module_from_name(self.module) for decorator in o.original_decorators: if parent_mod.__name__ == 'kwarray.arrayapi': # Very specific hacks that need better support # This is for decorators that wrap functions in static methods. # mypy doesn't handle this natively, but we can handle it in # pyi files HACKED_STATICMETHODS = {'_apimethod', '_torchmethod', '_numpymethod'} if isinstance(decorator, CallExpr): qualname = else: qualname = get_qualified_name(decorator) # print(f'qualname={qualname}') if qualname in HACKED_STATICMETHODS: self.add_decorator('staticmethod', require_name=True) super().process_decorator(o)
[docs] def visit_class_def(self, o) -> None: # from mypy.stubgen import ( # find_method_names, NameExpr, MemberExpr, AliasPrinter, EMPTY_CLASS, # CLASS) self._IN_CLASS = # Register the class attribute information that we found here # We will need to use it in the init method parsing self._docstring_class_attr_infos = {} parent_mod = ub.import_module_from_name(self.module) # Classes we will not make stubs for. TODO: generalize. blocklist = { '_RationalNDArray', } if in blocklist: return real_class = getattr(parent_mod,, None) if real_class is not None and real_class.__doc__ is not None: from xdoctest.docstr import docscrape_google blocks = docscrape_google.split_google_docblocks(real_class.__doc__) for key, block in blocks: lines = block[0] if key == 'Attributes': lines = '\n'.join([line.lstrip('*') for line in lines.split('\n')]) parsed_args = list(docscrape_google.parse_google_argblock(lines)) for info in parsed_args: self._hack_for_info(info) name = info['name'].replace('*', '') self._docstring_class_attr_infos[name] = info ret = super().visit_class_def(o) self._docstring_class_attr_infos = None self._IN_CLASS = None return ret
[docs] def modpath_coerce(modpath_coercable): """ if modpath_coercable is a name, statically converts it to a path Args: modpath_coercable (str | PathLike | ModuleType): something we can extract a path to a module from. Returns: str : the coerced modpath Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from xdev.cli.docstr_stubgen import * # NOQA >>> import xdev >>> modpath_coercable = xdev >>> modpath = modpath_coerce(modpath_coercable) >>> print(f'modpath={modpath}') >>> assert modpath_coerce(modpath) == modpath >>> assert modpath_coerce(xdev.__name__) == modpath """ import ubelt as ub import types from os.path import exists import pathlib if isinstance(modpath_coercable, types.ModuleType): modpath = modpath_coercable.__file__ elif isinstance(modpath_coercable, pathlib.Path): modpath = modpath_coercable elif isinstance(modpath_coercable, str): modpath = ub.modname_to_modpath(modpath_coercable) if modpath is None: if exists(modpath_coercable): modpath = modpath_coercable else: raise ValueError('Cannot find module={}'.format(modpath_coercable)) else: raise TypeError('{}'.format(type(modpath_coercable))) modpath = ub.util_import.normalize_modpath(modpath) return modpath
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m xdev.cli.gen_typed_stubs """ from xdev.cli.docstr_stubgen import DocstrStubgenCLI DocstrStubgenCLI.main()