Source code for xdev.autojit

Utilities to just-in-time-cythonize a module at runtime.
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import dirname, join, basename, splitext, exists
import os
import warnings

__all__ = [

# Track the number of times we've tried to autojit specific pyx files
NUM_AUTOJIT_TRIES = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
MAX_AUTOJIT_TRIES = float('inf')
# 1

[docs] def import_module_from_pyx(fname, dpath=None, error="raise", autojit=True, verbose=1, recompile=False, annotate=False): """ Attempts to import a module corresponding to a pyx file. If the corresponding compiled module is not found, this can attempt to JIT-cythonize the pyx file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The basename of the cython pyx file dpath : str The directory containing the cython pyx file error : str Can be "raise" or "ignore" autojit : bool If True, we will cythonize and compile the pyx file if possible. verbose : int verbosity level (higher is more verbose) recompile : bool if True force recompile Returns ------- ModuleType | None : module Returns the compiled and imported module if possible, otherwise None """ if dpath is None: dpath = dirname(fname) pyx_fpath = join(dpath, fname) if verbose > 3: print('[xdev.import] pyx_fpath = {!r}'.format(pyx_fpath)) if not exists(pyx_fpath): raise AssertionError("pyx file {!r} does not exist".format(pyx_fpath)) try: # This functionality depends on ubelt # TODO: the required functionality could be moved to nx.utils import ubelt as ub except Exception: if verbose: print("Autojit requires ubelt, which failed to import") if error == "ignore": module = None elif error == "raise": raise else: raise KeyError(error) else: if autojit: if verbose > 3: print('autojit = {!r}'.format(autojit)) # Try to JIT the cython module if we ship the pyx without the compiled # library. NUM_AUTOJIT_TRIES[pyx_fpath] += 1 if verbose > 3: print('NUM_AUTOJIT_TRIES = {!r}'.format(NUM_AUTOJIT_TRIES)) print('MAX_AUTOJIT_TRIES = {!r}'.format(MAX_AUTOJIT_TRIES)) if recompile or NUM_AUTOJIT_TRIES[pyx_fpath] <= MAX_AUTOJIT_TRIES: if verbose > 3: print('try it') try: _autojit_cython(pyx_fpath, verbose=verbose, recompile=recompile, annotate=annotate) if verbose > 3: print('got it') except Exception as ex: warnings.warn("Cython autojit failed: ex={!r}".format(ex)) if error == "raise": raise try: # if recompile: # # Doesnt work. The module is not reloaded. # modname = ub.modpath_to_modname(pyx_fpath) # import sys # sys.modules.pop(modname, None) module = ub.import_module_from_path(pyx_fpath) except Exception: if error == "ignore": module = None elif error == "raise": raise else: raise KeyError(error) return module
def _platform_pylib_exts(): # nocover """ Returns .so, .pyd, or .dylib depending on linux, win or mac. Returns the previous with and without abi (e.g. .cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu) flags. """ import sysconfig valid_exts = [] # handle PEP 3149 -- ABI version tagged .so files base_ext = "." + sysconfig.get_config_var("EXT_SUFFIX").split(".")[-1] # ABI = application binary interface tags = [ sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI"), "abi3", # not sure why this one is valid, but it is ] tags = [t for t in tags if t] for tag in tags: valid_exts.append("." + tag + base_ext) # return with and without API flags valid_exts.append(base_ext) valid_exts = tuple(valid_exts) return valid_exts def _autojit_cython(pyx_fpath, verbose=1, recompile=False, annotate=False): """ This idea is that given a pyx file, we try to compile it. We write a stamp file so subsequent calls should be very fast as long as the source pyx has not changed. Parameters ---------- pyx_fpath : str path to the pyx file verbose : int higher is more verbose. """ import shutil if verbose > 3: print('_autojit_cython') # TODO: move necessary ubelt utilities to nx.utils? # Separate this into its own util? if shutil.which("cythonize"): pyx_dpath = dirname(pyx_fpath) if verbose > 3: print('pyx_dpath = {!r}'.format(pyx_dpath)) # Check if the compiled library exists pyx_base = splitext(basename(pyx_fpath))[0] SO_EXTS = _platform_pylib_exts() so_fname = False for fname in os.listdir(pyx_dpath): if fname.startswith(pyx_base) and fname.endswith(SO_EXTS): so_fname = fname break if verbose > 3: print('so_fname = {!r}'.format(so_fname)) try: # Currently this functionality depends on ubelt. # We could replace ub.cmd with subprocess.check_call and ub.augpath # with os.path operations, but hash_file and CacheStamp are harder # to replace. We can use "liberator" to statically extract these # and add them to nx.utils though. import ubelt as ub except Exception: if verbose > 3: print('return false, no ubelt') return False else: if so_fname is False: # We can compute what the so_fname will be if it doesnt exist so_fname = pyx_base + SO_EXTS[0] so_fpath = join(pyx_dpath, so_fname) content = ub.readfrom(pyx_fpath) mtime = os.stat(pyx_fpath).st_mtime depends = [ub.hash_data(content, hasher="sha1"), mtime] stamp_fname = ub.augpath(so_fname, ext=".jit.stamp") stamp = ub.CacheStamp( stamp_fname, dpath=pyx_dpath, product=so_fpath, depends=depends, verbose=verbose, ) if verbose > 3: print('stamp = {!r}'.format(stamp)) if recompile or stamp.expired(): # Heuristic to try and grab the numpy include dir or not cythonize_args = ['cythonize'] cythonize_env = os.environ.copy() needs_numpy = 'numpy' in content if needs_numpy: import numpy as np import pathlib numpy_include_dpath = pathlib.Path(np.get_include()) numpy_dpath = (numpy_include_dpath / '../..').resolve() # cythonize_env['CPATH'] = numpy_include_dpath + ':' + cythonize_env.get('CPATH', '') cythonize_env['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join([ '-I{}'.format(numpy_include_dpath), ]) + cythonize_env.get('CFLAGS', '') cythonize_env['LDFLAGS'] = ' '.join([ '-L{} -lnpyrandom'.format(numpy_dpath / 'random/lib'), '-L{} -lnpymath'.format(numpy_dpath / 'core/lib'), ]) + cythonize_env.get('LDFLAGS', '') if annotate: cythonize_args.append('-a') cythonize_args.append('-i {}'.format(pyx_fpath)) cythonize_cmd = ' '.join(cythonize_args) if needs_numpy: print('CFLAGS="{}" '.format(cythonize_env['CFLAGS']) + 'LDFLAGS="{}" '.format(cythonize_env['LDFLAGS']) + cythonize_cmd) ub.cmd(cythonize_cmd, verbose=verbose, check=True, env=cythonize_env) stamp.renew() return True else: if verbose > 2: print('Cythonize not found!')